“Down Deep (A Nautical Apocalypse)” is a series of vignettes from the end of the world. When Earth becomes unlivable, survivors seek shelter in abandoned submarines in a last-ditch attempt to keep living. In each track, characters reflect on their past-lives above the surface, detailing colorful memories of loss, joy, regret, and revelation. What begins as a story of intense hope for new beginnings slowly unravels into the ultimate, final disaster.
With the primary goal of writing a concept album in mind, we leaned into our love of science fiction, pulling inspiration from records like Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and The Flaming Lips’ Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. However, we wanted our story to be grounded on Earth, focused on regular people, centered around the very real effects of climate change. Since the last few years on this planet have felt sufficiently bizarre, it would be fairly unsurprising if, tonight, Earth’s mantle split open and set society ablaze, forcing the surviving factions of humanity to move underwater and live out the remainder of their scattered lives in submarines. This album, like all good stories, is a murky blend of fiction and non-fiction, the fantastic and the ordinary.